domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

Oreo para las Salamandras y Silencio para todos

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Esta es la portada de la nueva novela de la legión de los Salamandras que esta escribiendo Nick Kyme para la Herejía de Horus.Parece que se va llamar Scorched Earth y la portada a corrido a cargo de Neil Roberts.Neil uso un procedimiento poco ortodoxo,pero muy curioso,para hacer una idea de como puede ser el polvo y la cenizas estelares:Picando galletas Oreo con una picadora hasta reducirlas a polvo fino,probar enfoques,texturas,etc y luego dibujar lo que ha salido.Y no es coña(O no lo parece,a simple vista),por lo que dice aquí:

 "I have a confession to make; many cookies were harmed to make this cover.Let me explain why and how…
The brief for this piece called for scorched/volcanic sand and, as I wanted a photo-realistic finish to it, I decided to use photographic reference.Now, here in the UK we don’t have any active volcanoes (that I’m aware of), so getting pictures of volcanic sand/beaches straight from life proved somewhat impractical. I could easily have used Google Image Search to get some stock imagery – but where’s the fun in that? I wanted to try something more creative.
I’m a big fan of movies and practical special effects; I love how spaceships can be kit-bashed from disparate model kits. I love how miniature work would create weird vistas. And I’m a huge fan of the art of matte paintings. Oh, and I’d recently watched some Heston Blumenthal show where he made mud out of biscuits and stuff. With that in mind, I decided to use that sense of creativity to make me some volcanic sand.
Ssshh, don’t tell anyone, I’m letting you into a trade secret. Here’s my secret recipe for making space sand:
4x boxes of Oreo cookies.
Blitz in the blender until finely chopped.
Lay on a flat baking tray.
And voilà! There you have your (edible) reference material.
After all the reference was taken (and not wanting to waste any of my time and precious cookies) we used the volcanic space sand to make a couple of yummy cakes. Now that’s what I call a win/win situation, easy and edible! I used the reference images as the basis for the final space sand, copying/pasting areas to cover the scene quickly and painting over it to tie it all together. It’s a lo-fi technique which gave me the results I was looking for.That is often the trick with illustration, special effects or most visual endeavours: it’s not the journey that’s always important, it’s the final artefact. As long as the final picture looks as good as possible, then I’ve done my job.So next time you look at that cover and feel a little bit hungry, remember all the brave cookies that gave themselves for the greater good."
Un método muy curioso...y sabroso!XD

En otro orden de cosas,a Black Library le ha dado la venada generosa con fuerza ,por lo que se ve,y en un alarde de generosidad sin limites y nunca visto hasta la fecha,regala como descarga libre un Audio-drama de la Herejía de Horus!!Este Audio-drama es llama Sister of Silence y es de Edward Knight y lo podéis descargar y escuchar on line desde este link.Es una pasada y realmente LO-BOR-DAN!!Os va a dejar con la boca abierta ya que han captado perfectamente lo que es la protagonista!


4 comentarios:

  1. Aunque se les tiene que reconocer la originalidad

  2. A mi me encantan estas bromas, hay que tener más sentido del humor xD

    1. Yo me quede un rato esperando la narración,hasta que me di cuenta:Sisters of Silence,1 de abril,...
      Me estuve riendo un rato de la ocurrencia!
      Si,una buena broma.


Tu comentario tiene que pasar antes por moderación antes de publicarse. Un poco de paciencia.Gracias!

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