viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Aaron Dembski-Bowden habla sobre The Lord Inquisitor

No,este no es Aaron...
Aaron Dembski-Bowden,el escritor de la BL ha salido al paso del inmenso revuelo que se ha formado en la red cuando los aficionados se han enterado de que el estaba involucrado en el guión del fan-film The Lord Inquisitor.
Según sus palabras,el no es mas que una pieza mas de la maquinaria de la película,por lo que el no es ni mucho menos una de las cabezas pensantes.Sus palabras han sido estas:

"I’ve been following the project for a long time, and I’ve commented in various forums about how I was variously amazed at the detail, thought it was beautiful, and was mean enough to say I hated (I think I actually said “not a fan of”) the voice-acting and the script. But for a proof of concept trailer, that shit is far beyond killer.

A while ago, the Lordi (teehee) overseer Erasmus Brosdau (which is surely the most 40K name ever) got the green light from GW’s legal dept. and put out an open call for people to help out and make the thing happen as a 40-minute movie. That’s sort of when I came on board. I asked what they were looking for, and how the process had gone with GW. Nothing major. It quickly turned into something a bit majorer, which isn’t a word, but I’m going to pretend it is as I quite like it.

So, to answer your question(s): Yes, kind of. I’m not writing the movie all by myself. It’s a collaborative effort, and I’m just one little gear in the machine – I didn’t jump in and demand to run the show, or any shit like that. Obviously, everything’s in early development right now, so no spoilers. Suffice to say that I’m on the team, and absolutely freaking thrilled about that fact. I may make a billion suggestions and they all get ignored. I might write the whole script and we end up using a single scene. That’s just how this jazz works; I don’t want people thinking I just moved in to rule someone else’s show. This is still Erasmus’ brainchild, I’m just on the team.

En su blog hay interesantes datos extras.Os animo a visitarlo
Este si,que cambio eh?^^

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