domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

Answering questions about Spanish Cypher

Yesterday’s entry about Cypher has caused lots of expectation among W40k players, especially beyond our boundaries. Together with being quoted in such prestigious blogs as Faeit212 or Most Perturbatory, I’ve been mailed by foreign people asking about “Spanish Cypher”. They have been so many, that I’ve been calling to Argüelles GW’s stuff, and to other people I know who could help me to compilate information.
Most of the information that follows comes from Chema, from GW Argüelles (Thank you!)- :

GW Spain has created, as a publicity campaign for the Dark Revenge  here in Spain, a set of official Cypher rules. They are official in GW shops and for 2 months within the scenes of Dark revenge.Furthermore, shops are free to rewrite them and to give additional functions to the miniature.
For instance, in GW Argüelles, the day in which DR was launched, we recreate a big battle between Dark Angels and Chaos Space Marines. Cypher had then a special rule which made him help the side that was losing the game in a particular turn and, if that side started to win, then Cypher changed his alliance. I’ve been told that after the inclusion of Cypher in some battle scenes, at the end of the day, some GW shops drew a Cypher miniature among the participants in the battles.(This happened, for instance, in GW Sevilla). Other GW shops had organized expositions of different models of the miniature and lots of different activities regarding the most famous Fallen Angel.

They told me also that as far as they know, the fact that the rules are official only for 2 month, and that they expire so close to the date of Dark Angels codex publication do not necessary mean that Cypher will appear in DA codex. According to them, it is only a sort of “test” to the rules of this character.

That is all what the shop says.

So, as a conclusion: these rules are official in Spain for Dark Revenge for 2 months, but it is not sign of Cypher appearing in the new DA codex.

Whatever it could be, the time to know the truth about it is really close…

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